
Posters for Fall 22 and Spring 23

Despite the website being down for half of this academic year, much progress was made on my project this year. Click the icon to read the posters for the WISRD Physiology Group this year, as well as posters from past years.

Journal entries imported from the previous iteration of


WISRD Update 05-9-17

It is the month of May and the year is almost to an end. My projects are slowly coming to an end. An update from the Skeleton is that he is almost finished. Me and Lexi have been working endlessly to finish this project before school ends. We were almost done when the spine fell apart. We had to face some engineering problems and solve them fast because at the moment the whole skeleton was being held up by a string. We were very frustrated because we had to take apart the legs and the hip bones because we decided to stick a metal rod up the spine to secure it properly. When that was finished we rapped up things very nicely. We ran out of material so last Friday we went to the hardware store to pick up some more. Tomorrow we will probably finish the skeleton. As for GAVRT we analyzed lot of the data and concluded that it basically didn’t show anything. This was very disappointing because the whole year we have been gathering data. Even though the project didn’t work out I still learned lot about the struggles of conducting your own experiments and getting back rejected hypothesizes. My goal right now is to make sure that I feel accomplished in this school year. I am going to accomplish this by finishing the skeleton project along with reviewing what I accomplished and learned mentally about WISRD.


WISRD Update 03-10-17

The last few months we have been working endlessly to finish the skeleton. We have managed to put the skull, vertebras, and rips together successfully. We made the frame for the skeleton and right now we are working on attaching the skeleton to it. After that we can hook on the legs and arms. Our prediction of when we are finish is after spring break (which is in 3 weeks). As to GAVRT we have gotten lot of information and we are started to analysis it. We decided that we are going to see GARVRT once everyone other Tuesday. That way we can focus on learning about what we are collection data on. We will start next Tuesday. The chicken project has facially put on hold for the time being. This is due to the fact that we can’t find a place for the Male Chickens after they are born. I am trying to find another life science project that we could do because thus one is probably not going to happen. Also me and Lexi are trying to find another engineering project because the skeleton project is coming to an end. My goal in STEM right now is to make for posts so I hope to be writing soon.

__________________________________________________WISRD Update 12-9-16

These last two months ave been filled with GAVRT, the Skeleton Project, and The Chicken Project. The Skeleton project started off as a one day job that turned into a two month project. So far, I have helped glue the vertebrae’s together, I wired a foot and fixed a hand. My biggest accomplishment on this project was figuring out the puzzle of the ribs. I first had to research what rib goes where and on what side. Then I had to find a way to wire them on. Lexi helped by drilling the wholes and I worked with the dysfunctional wire to string on the ribs.

With GAVRT, Aidan and I have still been collecting data. Soon we will start to analyze the data, which I look forward to doing.

With the chicken project we haven’t been making lot of progress since we are still struggling with finding someone to take in the chickens.

That is all that is happening in WISRD so far. I will try to right next week since it will be our last week before winter break.

Yesterday I went to the California STEM symposium. It was really interesting and I learned lot. I talked to lot of people and worked on my presenting/talking skills. I got lot of people to sign up to read our magazine. I also talked a lot about GAVRT and E-Nable. Aidan set me up with GAVRT and I got to work with the telescope for the first time. Aidan gave me coordinates that the Telescope could track and soon enough I was showing people how to control an amazing telescope from a computer.

I toured other booths. I found lot of cool ideas on interesting kids in the elementary school at wildwood. I also saw some cool microscopes and chemistry sets that interested me.

I listened to a speaker who was presenting Girls Who Code. If was very interesting and I learned lot about how there should be more girls in coding and why we don’t. It opened my eyes to cultural things that promote girls to hate math and coding. I think that it was important that I went because I learned lot more about talking to people about WISRD.

WISRD Update 10-7-16

These past weeks have been slow since last week we went on a trip and couldn’t work on our projects or attend classes. The WISRD sign that I made is on our wall at Wildwood School. Along with some posters. GAVRT is still having some difficulties so I still haven’t been able to work on it yet. I worked on the chicken project. We are hoping to start testing in December. I am calling the farmer that we have picked to take care of the chicks. Hopefully next week we will be able to get more things accomplished because we will have more class periods.

I also finally figured out how to post on this website. So no more technical difficulties.

Stella Guggenheim

I posted this last week and then it deleted

WISRD Update 9-14-16

So far this week, GAVRT has been cancelled again so I haven’t started working with it although I have been doing some research to better my understanding. With our chicken project I have been assigned my first assignment. I have to write on our page __ an introduction to our project–what it is about and what we want to accomplish. My goal is to finish it on Thursday. There were some complaints on the WISRD wall at Wildwood School, so I made a new sign that have our important dates. Now the wall looks more professional and pretty. I hope to be starting with GAVRT soon. Hopefully I it will be up next week.

Stella Guggenheim

WISRD Update 9-7-16

These first few weeks that I have started WISRD I have already been inspired and excited to start new projects and to explore the world of science. These past weeks I have been looking at projects and experiments that I might want to acquire through the year. So far I am really interested in working with GAVRT with Aidan. We were supposed to start working on it today but GAVRT wasn’t ready. We are planning to meet every Wednesday for the first few weeks and than switch it to Tuesdays as the year goes by. While that as been going on I have been very interested in a research project on incubating an egg without its shell. I plan on taking on this project along with Josie and Conor to hatch these chickens. Right now I am helping research how we are going to sanitize the incubators. I have also just finished a mini project on creating a sign that will hang at Wildwood School. This will help create a more appealing work space for WISRD and also it will attract eyes toward WISRD within the Wildwood Community.

Learning Outcomes for 2016-2017

  • Take on projects that will challenge me and expand my learning on the subject

    • Work on projects in different fields of science

    • Contribute and Research on the subject outside of class

  • Contribute and be a leader

    • I can make sure that I bring something new to the table that will help the project

    • I will take on more work

  • Expand my learning on Astronomy and Space

    • Work on GAVRT

    • Attend to lectures and clubs within this field

These are my learning outcomes for the year. I will expand this list as the year goes by. These are the goals that I had for myself when I signed up for this class. Personally I just want to learn new things about science and contribute to something I really feel proud of.

I hope to make more posts. It took me very long to write this because I had some technical difficulties. Also my work got deleted. I hope to make more posts.