Working to determine ideal training processes in order to maximize athletic performance across multiple fields.


The WISRD Kinesiology Lab attempts to study athletic performance across four primary fields. Cardiovascular Training, Resistance Training, Flexibility Training, and Training within an Individual Sport.


  • Feb 27: The experiment was highly unsuccessful. Only 3 subjects actually showed up so we were not able to gather any conclusive results. Both of our experiments so far have failed because of subjects not showing up, so moving forward we are going to come up with a new source of subjects that are hopefully more reliable.

    Feb 15: The experiment we are conducting on caffeine effects is finalized. We have 12 subjects, half will receive caffeine and half will receive a control drink with no caffeine. This experiment will take place on February 27. We will measure heart rate and oxygen rates with sensors, and will measure sudoku speed and reaction time through online websites.

    Feb 1: Jake, Rhone, Zac and I (Max) are conducting an experiment looking at the effect of caffeine on performance through a series of tests. This experiment is still in its earliest stages but we will continue to update as it progresses.

    Nov 14: I (Max) ran the stretching experiment for the lab. Only ten of the expected 25 subjects showed up so our results were limited. I am going to be analyzing the results that we do have and decide how to proceed. The data that we were able to collect is not thorough enough to derive any serious conclusions.

    Nov 13: Last week, I learned we are using HeLa cells for our experiment. I emailed The Henrietta Lacks Initiative, asking for ways to properly honor Henrietta Lacks’s memory and reinforce ideas such as informed consent and health equity. There has been no response yet. Today, I worked on developing my webpage and basic research on cervical cancer.

    Oct 16: The Kinesiology experiment has been pushed back to November 7.

    Oct 11: I (Max) am running the Stretching Type experiment for the Kinesiology lab on Tuesday, November 17th. I have created a document in the Kinesiology Google Drive to design the stretching routines that each of the groups will follow.

    Sep 7: I (Max) am launching the first lab looking at the effect on athletic performance of different stretching types. I have recruited volunteers and am prepping the experiment procedure. I hope to begin conducting the experiment next week.

    Aug 30: Today officially marks the launch of the Kinesiology lab! An initial proposal was drafted and approved and can be found above on this page. We have a great team already, with Max Aronoff-Sher acting as the Principal Investigator and overseeing all experimentation, Zac and Jake heading the research into resistance training, Zac and Rhone heading the research into cardiovascular training, and Rhone and Bowden heading the specific sport research. This will be an exciting research field that WISRD has not really tapped into yet, and can engage much of the surrounding Wildwood community as data points. Right now, each member is beginning to think about specific experiments they would like to work on and compiling these ideas in this document.