Viggo B.


8/23/2023: First day of WISRD pretty exited

8/28/23: Gonna help Luca build the ant farm I also want to figure out if there is an ethical way that I can make frogs glow in the dark

8/29/23: scratch the frog Idea I am going to stick with my original plan to build a fish tag. I want to maybe try and build an RFID tag.

11/6/23: Its been a while. Anyway, Dark Matter Day went well my group members and I built some Tesla coils and played music through them and the kids thought they were cool. I guess the entries I made in September and October didn’t save but I have changed my project to making a full phylogenic tree of all species in the Salmonidae family. I have all my notes on the broad view of salmonidae and now I am going to being researching more on individual species.

1/3/24: I am gonna learn how to 3D topographical maps. My new and improved idea is to 3d print a topographical model of a state or region that has the salmon run and map the run out using LED strips and wherever the salmon run is obstructed there will be a marker dictating the obstruction.

1/4/24: today I learned how to set up the filter for the laser cutter I also kind of learned how to use the software while watching Luca. we also finished rebuilding the inside framing of the tank and the first half of the new lid that we are making.

1/8/24: Today I learned how to use the software for the laser cutter. Luca and I also finished cutting and putting a hinge on the second part of the lid. we are still trying to figure out how to make it able to open without there being too much of a gap between the frame and the lid.

1/22/24: I learned how to use the software to create 3D models of topographical maps.

1/25/24: Today Meagan helped me get set up on the printer and we are running the first test print of the project.

1/29/24: the reason I wanted to do a test print was to see if the software I used would print in full detail, this is called proof of concept. it did print and it printed in complete detail now I am going to see if I can print places on a larger scale.

2/8/24: Luca and I have disassembled the old ant farm and now we have devised a new plan. we are going to use the single terrarium that we were going to use as the bottom portion of the first ant farm. we have created a box that goes inside that terrarium to create a negative space that only allows the ants to create a colony in a place where we can see them and their tunnels. and on another note, I think that I have figured out how I am going to 3D print California.

2/21/24 I have created the first row of STLs for 3D printing the state of California.

2/27/24: I found a much easier method for printing. I found an entire set of files for free online that I am able to upscale in Ultimaker and these files are way more accurate than the files that I was originally going to try and make myself. Megan also ordered the LED light noodles that I am going to use to map the range of past and current native salmon in California. also for the ant lab, I am trying to find out how to quantify ant farm data. I also need to do more research on the past and current ranges of native salmon and steelhead in California.

4/29/24: the printing has been going great. We have finished printing almost every piece of California and the people at the poster session thought that my map was cool. we have had to reprint a couple of pieces but that is going well. There is currently a piece reprinting right now. I think that we will be able to print every piece before the year is over and during the start of next year, I can begin imbedding the lights into the map.

5/8/24: The last piece is printing right now. I have also figured out how to solder the LED noods to a switch and battery pack and it works. However, I am trying to figure out how to lengthen the nood by connecting another one and it’s not working the way I want. I think that I might have to order longer nood strips if they exist.

Statement of interest, Spring 2023: From a very young age I have always been fascinated by all `the many different forms of science that exist in this world most specifically the science centered around aquatic life. Throughout my time in school, I have never really had the opportunity to pursue many other forms of science than the ones that were in the curriculum. When I saw that WISRD had options that were centered around these forms of science I was instantly intrigued. If I was in WISRD I would try and create a tag that I could use to track the lifespan and spawning patterns of wild trout in Southern California to better understand how they live and then make efforts to conserve them and protect their spawning grounds.