Posters for Fall 22 and Spring 23
Despite the website being down for half of this academic year, much progress was made on my project this year. Click the icon to read the posters for the WISRD Physiology Group this year, as well as posters from past years.
Journal entries imported from the previous iteration of
This is my journal. Everything I do with Lucy will be written down below.
I’m downloading Choregraph on one of the WISRD computers so others can program Lucy and I can directly connect to her through ethernet.
You can find my Educade teaching tool here.
I also made a youtube video about if-then statements. It’s not up yet.
Today I made another youtube video. It is about if-then- else statements with NAO.
The old one is up now. Find it here.
Lasts weeks video is up now. Click here.
I made a video on for-loops.
Today I’m working on making Lucy sense obstacles using sonar and try to move around based on the information it gathers.
My video from last week is up.Click here.
Kinds of connection: bang sends a pulse to the next block and contains no information, number sends a numerical value, and string carries written information. The kind of connection is determined by the output of the box. A bang input can receive a bang, number or string connection and register it as a bang. string input can get a string or number input and register it as a string. Note that it cannot take bang input. Number input can only receive a number connection.
battery, foot bumper, foot contact, fall detector, hardware temperature, has hardware, body parts in collision, motor heat, posture, sonar, tactile head, tactile right hand, tactile left hand, joint position, joint stiffness, error, gyro x, gyro y, gyro z, accelerometer, light, movement, sound, speech , face reco, visual reco, led state, IR, foot pressure/weight.
lesson plan outline
Link to aldebaran doc here.
basic syntax: kinds of connection, organization methods, comments/inactive strings.
Kinds of connections: bang sends a pulse to the next block and contains no information, number sends a numerical value, and string carries written information. The kind of connection is determined by the output of the box. A bang input can receive a bang, number or string connection and register it as a bang. string input can get a string or number input and register it as a string. Note that it cannot take bang input. Number input can only receive a number connection.
organization methods: timeline blocks(grouping), using common blocks for the same code, loops.
comments: Use comment blocks so when you look later, you don’t have to look through all your code to know whats happening. When other people look at your code, they know what’s happening. It is essential for collaboration.
2. loops: infinite loop never stops. Conditional loop goes until the cap is reached; for loop. counter loop is a while loop because it runs while a variable is true.
3.if-then statements: sensors:battery, foot bumper, foot contact, fall detector, hardware temperature, has hardware, body parts in collision, motor heat, posture, sonar, tactile head, tactile right hand, tactile left hand, joint position, joint stiffness, error, gyro x, gyro y, gyro z, accelerometer, light, movement, sound, speech reco, face reco, visual reco, led state, ir, foot pressure/weight. Sensors can work like switches, thus being either on or off. They can put out numerical values. They can put out words reporting what happens. you can
4. math: basic arithmetic expressions (ei… division, multiplication, addition, subtraction, powers, factorials, radicals) algebraic expressions (walking trajectory, speed) math can be used to interpret information from many sensors. applications.
Some good learning problems 1.
Can you make NAO carry a basic conversation about what you learned in which he/she can answer one’s questions about what you learned.
Here are some questions/challenges that can be used in lessons:
lesson 1… Create a program in which NAO can answer questions about the code you learned; Why are comment blocks so important?
lesson 2… create a program in which NAO repeats a word until put in darkness, What kind of loop is this?; make a code that that includes three different kinds of loops and label them with comment blocks
lesson 3…
battery, foot bumper, foot contact, fall detector, posture, sonar, tactile head, tactile right hand, tactile left hand, light, speech reco, visual reco, body parts in collision, motor heat, hardware heat, face reco, fall detector
make a code to stop the robot if it’s getting too hot; make Nao report what tactile sensor is being pushed;
lesson 4… edit the divide block with python code to make it take two numbers and adds them together; edit divide block to take the mean of the inputs.
Today i made Lucy dance the Macarena. Find the video here.
Last week i coded Lucy to make an announcement. Find the video here.
I also coded her to make a global warming speech. Find the video here.
In all three, i’m trying to make her as human as possible. In the announcement and in the speech, i can’t have her just talk, she also has to move a little. That was the difficult and most important part.
Today I made Lucy walk and see where she is going, but the sonar distance was to long for it to work.