I am moving over to google docs for my Blogs/Journal.
I will continue on the research paper and on may 30th I will be analyzing the theater with Mason and Jacob a wildwood alum. We will be collecting data and I will write it up and submit it to wilwood school to ask for a grant.
April 30, 2024
Today I uploaded my WISRD poster and we are working on a new format for my page!
Yesterday we had poster session! It went really well and I got some great feedback on how I should keep track of what data i have collected.
Two days ago I also had a great Idea for a job in WISRD. Its called an RVO (research validity officer) and they are specifically for fact checking reserch being conducted.
May 23 the last day of school during gateways and exhibistions data collection will begin until then I will be working on understanding how to gather and acquire data and how to analyze the data
the deliverable will be a report on how and why I have decided to analyze and what data I have collected and next course of action
Today I emailed Mason askingwhen would be a good time to analyze the theatr space with the seats down.
Today I am working on my poster and application for WISRD next year.
I made a huge step i figuring out the system. I was able to succsessfully run and record a test. I now need to figure out how to read and analyze the data.
Yestarday I was figuring out what hardware i needed. I used a board and microphone and was figuring out how to plug it in to my computer.
Today I figured out more what I need to run REW and how the OS works I also figured out the materials needed. I am planning to run tests at home with my speakers that I have at my desk.
To ensure that we are measuring and moving microphone and speaker placement our measurements are not measuring distance from the speakers but actual frequency. to ensure the same SPL the base will be set up at 80db.
I was researching more about iphone apps that you an analyze a room.
Today I did some more research. but I was mostly hungry and looking forward to lunch.
I found two videos that may help me analyze what is actually happening. The program Previously used was a theoretical model. this new Program REW will be a experimental model.
Data Collection:
Analyzing the Data:
Today we got the specs for the speakers in the theater. it is interesting because the front of house (FOH) speakers are different than the speakers hanging over stage left and stage right (SL, SR)
I have talked to Mason Vancil about the theater space and figuring out what type of speakers we have to work with.
I have begun measuring the theater space using a laser measuring tape. I am setting up the space in MAPP 3D and trying to fully figure out how to use the program. Next step is to figure out how to mapp out the seats and back theater area.
I am beginning research into audio engineering. I am going to try and improve the audio system for the WIldwood Theater using MAPP 3D.
I figured out a way to make WISRD top secret organization. but the main event was figuring out how to vent toxic chemicals from the laser cutter.
Working on reventaliting laser cutter.
Today was very productive and I made alot of progress researching wind tunnel design. I now need to figure out how I am going to build the contractions and the dimensions.
Currently I am working on
This week has been my first day back and I am currently working on brainstorming ideas for projects. I am currently have ideas for replanting kelp.