Posters for Fall 22 and Spring 23
Despite the website being down for half of this academic year, much progress was made on my project this year. Click the icon to read the posters for the WISRD Physiology Group this year, as well as posters from past years.
Journal entries imported from the previous iteration of
PI: Lukas Perttula
G.A.V.R.T. Radio Astronomy
Hey… Long time no see I’m the new PI. This has been a bad year for GAVRT as most of the missions have either been canceled or scraped halfway through.
We need to establish a schedule for collecting data with GAVRT. Dani will create a white paper on radio astronomy.
Research: Deep Space Network, Goldstone Apple Valley, E&M spectrum, Radio Astronomy
2016 – 2017
Overview: GAVRT (Goldstone Apple Valley Radio Telescope)
Figure 1: Goldstone Apple Valley Radio Telescope at Sunset Image: NASA
is a student operated, 34 meter radio telescope. Researchers, like Josie and Aidan, use radio telescopes to communicate with probes and satellites and to discover radio signals. Doing so allows scientists to know more about our solar system and to better understand what lies beyond. Specifically, Josie and Aidan observe variable black holes, nebulae, and radio galaxies.
Figure 2: GAVRT and Goldstone Apple Valley
Plans: Josie and Aidan operate the telescope on a bi-weekly basis, and have observed the same variable black hole, as well as observing nebulae, radio galaxies and moons of jupiter.