Posters for Fall 22 and Spring 23

Despite the website being down for half of this academic year, much progress was made on my project this year. Click the icon to read the posters for the WISRD Physiology Group this year, as well as posters from past years.

Journal entries imported from the previous iteration of



Today I fixed the drop down menu problem on the hydroponics slide. I did this by adding the plugin to Joe’s home page using FileZila. I then went into ubunto and sourced the code. I then used sudo cp -a \loc1\ \loc2\ too copy the file. Once I did that I activated the plugin through the admin account on The plugin can be found here:



The button is now able to be activated manually but I am still unable to activate it via my computer, I am going to try to set a launch to a code run in the script before a key from my computer.


I have realized that the server is an unnecessary component of the lab. We already have a server and it functions far better than mine. I am now working on getting an input program to run. I am working with button pressed currently but will move on to doing it via my computer later on.


I have recently taken up a new project to create an alarm that can be triggered by an app. I currently have code that COULD be used to do it, but it is not very streamlined, as needs also of improvements to be in its final stage. Here it is:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial BTSerial(2,3);
byte a=0;
int ALM=4;
void setup(){

void loop(){
     a =;
     BTSerial.write(“lockdown on  “);
     BTSerial.write(“lockdown off  “);

Parts of this code has been found on arduinos homepage as I am not entirly competent in my use of syntacks


This week we have a presentable state for our WISRD RPG.  We have started working on our white paper report on the development of the project and what can be attained from the exploration of the process.


This week I have perfected the AI death with a reasonable velocity of arrows and impact. I am currently trying to create an equation for detection rings to perfect AI immersion. I am also drafting an inventory of equipment that the Hydroponics team will need to measure information from a computer in the WISRD lab.


I have spent today working on the AI function. I finished utilizing the AI death function by reclassifying them as a physics mesh and counting gravity as a ratio on different limb sockets.


For the past week, I have been doing a lot of set up for this semester. I have talked with the hydroponics team on ways that I can help them, and am planning on working with them. After talking with Luke Kenny (not on that team) I think I know what I need to do. I have also talked with Avery about helping her with her current project. I am also uploading the AI system to our server.


For the past month or so the VR game/simulation progress has slowed down. This is partly due to me working less outside of school. The AI movement system is complete, it is set to an if roam then see the player, then constant recalibrate too the player. This does work but is relatively slow.


Today I have made massive progress in the VR game. I have created a bow that is capable of firing arrows. Sadly the arrows move much faster than they should and the draw has no effect on the arrow. I am still working on this but it is a huge leap in progress.


The VR cancer cell project is nearing completion. It is in the finishing stages and my help on the design is no longer needed. So the webpage has been my assigned task. A new mission statement and some aesthetics on the page. So far the recommendations for the new VR/AR page have not been approved by Will, but it is anticipated that they will.


Today me and my associate Avery have been working on improving the website. I have finished my logo designing my logo and again I am waiting on its approval. In other sections of work the lighting on our cell was redone yet again and the process of 3D printing the cancer cell has begun.


Today the WISRD AR/VR page was finally updated. See link Also the Cancer Cell virtualization is almost done. The only step left to do now is the tracing of cells. I am excited to see this project through.


In WISRD today we have finished all of the models and moved on to the programming. I spent my time showing a potential new student the Oculus tutorial and trying to figure out how to make the camera move around during the simulation. So far we have been unsuccessful in this endeavor but made significant progress.