Oliver S.

Statement of interest, Spring 2023: I have loved science ever since I was a little kid. When I was five I was super into archeology I ahd watch every video I could get my. hands on and now 8 years later I am into exoskeletons and space . I have always been a very curious person and I have always enjoyed science and I love creating things. I am a wisrd apprentice and right now I am working on a exoskeleton arm but I would like to continue my work next year. I plan to make a backpack with pulleys and strings to pull your arm up. this will be more compact and will be less strenuous on a motor. Wisrd has been just such a fun place I can go to after school and I really want to be in the class to get more time to invent and research.

Hi my name is Oliver and I am running w.i.l.d. I really like the outdoors and I am going to be working on a bunch of nature related projects.


Picture link:



This is my first year in wisrd and I think I should make a list of the things I want to do over the year. I want to start a bug collection for studying, I would also like to help work on the self sustaining tanks, I would like to study some mushrooms and find out how how they help sustain other plants around them in their symbiotic relationship(Maybe grow some plants with mushrooms and some without) I also want to study some more marine biology and study more birds and go bird watching while keeping count of the different types of birds I see.


Today I decided that I wanted to work with mushrooms. I want to get 3 or 4 potato plants and different types of mushrooms for each and see what happens if they all are in the same environment and being watered the same amount. I will still bird watch and work on my bug collection.


Today I dissected 3 owl pellets. I found lots of mice bones and a massive skull that I have not identified the skull yet but I let them soke in water to get all of the hair out. I will post a update when I have identified them.


Today I cleaned off the bones I found owl pellets. I am leaving them overnight to soak before we organise them. I st The arted a new project with brian that test how light and humidity effect mushrooms. The things we are testing are one mushroom that will be in more direct sunlight another that is in less direct sunlight one is in a completely dark box with no light and the other one is in a mushroom growing humidity chamber that is optimal for growth. They are all getting the same amount of water, I am doing these test to get good at growing mushrooms which leads to the next part of this project which is going to be growing microgreens and parrying them with different types mushrooms to see how it affects the plants growth. I will go in more detail about what this other project entails when it is time to grow everything.


Today Brian and I started by checking on on the mushrooms. The mushroom block inside of the growing chamber grew substantially grew while the other ones stayed pretty small. Then we went on to setting up the brine shrimp tank. It did not come with the heater or the airline so we had to buy them ourselves. We already had a airline so we install that now all we need is a heater so that our brine shrimp will hatch. I am setting up the brine shrimp hatchery for the fish so that they can have food when they come. My next project will be growing micro greens.


This class we got the heater for the brine shrimp tank. We set it to 85F (which is what brine shrimp hatch at ) and dumped in two scoops of brine shrimp eggs. Our mushrooms also grew a lot more. The one in the mushroom growing tank might be a little starved of oxygen. I wonder if thats why it is only growing one way. The one with no light has barely grown at all and the one in direct sunlight has not grown either. But the ones in shade are. When my micro greens and soil come I will cut off a piece of the mushrooms and put it in the dirt and see what happens. I really hope my fish come soon.


Today Brian found the almost all of our brine shrimp dead. We think they died because there were too many of them and there was a bunch of junk at the bottom of the tank. We restarted the population with less shrimp and more water. Tomorrow the new fish come so the brine shrimp need to be ready to feed them. Brian and I have started a new project because we finished putting the mouse skeleton back together. So we started a new project where we will see how global warming effects mole crabs. How we will do this is by making small tanks and making each of them different temperatures to see if it affects how the sand crabs move around and how deep they tunnel. It won’t be very hot so they wont get hurt but it will be enough to cause some amount of change.


The past two weeks we have focused on our plants and seeing how much shrooms affect them. I was sick for a week so I missed a bunch of the plants growing. Our brine shrimp all died again. I think that it is because of the fish food going bad in the bottom. We plan on getting some touch tank animals and restarting the brine shrimp.


Brian and I today reset the brine shrimp population we checked up on our plants and I took time laps of the tanks. I fed the fish and we watched the snail move across the whole saltwater tank! We are researching more about the tough tank we have already found one of the animals for it.


Over the past 3 weeks we have done a few things. We have set up a mushroom grow tank and a tomato plant that we will add to once they are ready to be potted. We got a bunch of new fish and found out what type of food brine shrimps actually need to eat.

Remind megan about field trips to the museum of natural history and the alf high school. Also talk to Megan about archaeology (like bishop in california).


Today I noticed baby fish in the back of the freshwater tank. I can not tell yet who there parents are but I have a guess. I think its the two albino fish, because the baby’s have similar coloring.


We are kind of finishing off our two first projects because the fish tank is basically self sustaining and the plants only require being water once a day. So we are starting our new project which is taxidermy. We are going to start practicing on some animal puppets and then we will go on to do real animal fur that is humanely sourced. We have ordered the suplies to perform the taxidermy now all we have to do is practice before we try it on real pelts. The one without the mushroom might have died today.

Owl pellets:

We took apart owl pellets and saw if we could construct a whole rat skeleton. We found a lot of the bigger bones but lost a few to the sink drain. If we ever do it again we should put a strainer to catch the bigger bones. We used super glue to glue down the bones. Next time we should use hot glue because the fumes for the super glue made our clear container not clear. Over all this project turned out pretty good. I we ever do it again I want to make it more acuret.

Fish tanks:

Our overall goal was to create a self sustaining ecosystem and it is almost there. All we have to do is get the brine shrimp set up and then we are done. The fish tank has about 20 fish in it. We picked the fish we have in the tank to all not be aggressive or nocturnal and we chose the shrimp and the catfish to clean the tank. We also picked out a bunch of different types of plants. The things we have added to it ar, brine shrimp container, brine shrimp eggs, 3 different types of plants, 17 new fish, crawfish and shrimp,and a new rock for the crawfish to hide in. Someone has proposed to make a auto brine shrimp feeder which would then make both tanks completely self sustaining. See figure 3.

Mushrooms and plants:

Our goal for this project was to see if mushrooms had a effect on plants and how fast they would grow. They all had the same amount of sun and water. We saw that the one that had the mushroom in it grew much bigger and faster than the one without it. We still cant be sure that that’s why they grew so much faster but I am pretty confident that is why. When we took out the mushroom the one that had one in it stopped growing and started dying a bit. We will continue to water them but that only takes 5 minutes which is why we need a new project to spend out time on. We also had a mushroom that was eating sponges. We tried to see if we could get it to eat plastic but it died before we could start experimenting see figure 5. We might take this project up again later in the year to see make sure that our mushrooms actually effected how the plants grow. Next time we need to get a better watering method.

Taxidermy notes:

Our new project is going to be learning how to do taxidermy and how to do it ethically. We have started to do some research on how to perform it. We have learned how to take the pelt off of a dead animal and how make a foam mold of the body.


Are starting projet is going to be a American badger

  • Autonomy link: https://www3.uwsp.edu/biology/VertebrateCollection/Pages/Vertebrates/Mammals%20of%20Wisconsin/Taxidea%20taxus/Taxidea%20taxus.aspx

  • Autonomy link: https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Taxidea_taxus/

  • Autonomy link: https://www.dimensions.com/element/american-badger-taxidea-taxus

  • Autonomy link: https://virtual.imnh.iri.isu.edu/Osteo/View/American_Badger/102

  • Head is 118mm

  • Neck is 260 mm

  • Body is 700mm

  • Tail is 100mm of the body length

  • Front legs are 259mm long

  • Foot 120mm long

  • Ear 45mm

  • Pelvis 100mm long

  • Femur 100mm

  • Tibia 90mm

  • Radius 70mm

  • Humiris 100mm

  • Paw width 63.5mm

  • Front foot 89mm


    Today brian and I started making the skeleton for our american badger. We have done the neck body tail and front legs of the skeleton.


    Today we had to restart our badger to make it more accurate. We readid everything but the front legs. We also got the brine shrimp started up again and we started to research how long there back legs are.



For the past month we have been making our poster and watering the microgreens. We did come up with some new experiments to do next see on our poster. Next semester we are going to do a lot of experiments about mushroom.


Today I worked on setting up a webcam for the freshwater fish tank. I am going to use a heat shrinking plastic to make the webcam water proof. I took some mushroom water to do experiments on.


To start off our first class of the new year we decided to start up our new mushroom and brine shrimp. We cut the new mushrooms into 8 different size pieces each. We put them in water to let them grow over night and collected the mushroom spoor juice from the pink oyster mushroom. Our next steps will be to plant all of the plants and put mushrooms in 6 of the 8 planters we will be making. also test how the mushroom spore water effects asparagus ferns and philodendron. The mushroom asparagus gets watered 35ml of mushroom water and the other one gets 35ml of water. The philodendron gets 55ml of mushroom water and the other gets 55ml of water.


Today we decided to put the soil in. We used 1500ml of mother earth and 1200ml of potting soil


In the past weeks we have continued our mushroom studies and worked on our inquire pitch. We restarted the mushroom grow chamber with pink oyster mushrooms and pearl oyster mushrooms. The pink oyster mushrooms have not grown at all over the 3 weeks we have been doing it. We decided that the mushroom water was hurting the plants more than helping so we decided to stop that. After the rain a few days ago one of the mushrooms have started to grow through the burlap and they have mycelium in the soil. See the picture bellow to see our progress.


Wisrd poster:


The tomato plant has developed some fungi on its leaves. I think this happens because after the rain the leaves were wet so fungi from the air developed on them. It is supposed to rain again this week so we will see what happens with the fungi.


Today our new project is making a completely self sustaining ecosystem. We will use some sort glass container. We will find the right type of plants and bugs. We will also use mushrooms to help the animals grow and the plants too.


I have decided to get back into taxidermy. I have done this because I met with Tim Bovard the leader of taxidermy at the natural history museum. He gave me the tips and resources to get back into it and really learn how. I am going in sometime in July to meet with him and craft a squirrel taxidermy. Right now I am working the skeletal structures of sparrows.


Our new projects that we want to do after this are…

  1. leaf cutter ant colony (With a viewing area and u.v lights to shine on fungi)

  2. Mushroom maze

  3. Self sustaining eco system.


In our newest experiment we are measuring if and how dirty water effects plants growth. we have 3 different species of plants one in dirty water and one in clean. In 2 months this experiment will end.

Day 1:

With dirty water:

Plant type 1 (Asparagus Fern): 100.6mm

Plant type 2 (Spider Plant): 83.5

Plant type 3 (Tradescantia Spathacea): 141.1mm

Clean water:

Plant type 1 (Asparagus Fern): 98.9mm

Plant type 2 (Spider Plant): 21.1mm

Plant type 3 (Tradescantia Spathacea): 190.4mm


Day 2:

With dirty water:

Plant type 1 (Asparagus Fern): 106.7mm

Plant type 2 (Spider Plant): 100.6mm

Plant type 3 (Tradescantia Spathacea): 154.1mm

Clean water:

Plant type 1 (Asparagus Fern): 98.9mm

Plant type 2 (Spider Plant): 25.5mm

Plant type 3 (Tradescantia Spathacea): 174.5mm (Got smaller because I broke the plant)


Over the last month, Brian and I have been working on our poster but now that we have finished we are going to make a new version of the hanging planters that can grow cucumbers and carrots. In addition, we have ordered different colors shrimp to see if and how colors effect life span in the freshwater tank.


We have started taking apart the old planter to recycle the materials to make a new planter. This planter will be a bigger hanging planter.