Posters for Fall 22 and Spring 23
Despite the website being down for half of this academic year, much progress was made on my project this year. Click the icon to read the posters for the WISRD Physiology Group this year, as well as posters from past years.
Journal entries imported from the previous iteration of
ReefQuest activities with WISRD encompass four projects over the 2014, 2015, 2016 yesrs. The first project is the completion of the ReefQuest ROV, which finished in 2015. The ROV is now used to further develop the Virtual Reef and will facilitate in the collection of longitudinal data in the ReefQuest Longitudinal pH study, which is the second WISRD/ReefQuest project. The third project is the Correlation Study, which will statistically analyze in situ data v. virtual data.
New projects include the executive board of WISRD and the study of Will B’s computer performance.