Steveen G
Posters for Fall 22 and Spring 23
Despite the website being down for half of this academic year, much progress was made on my project this year. Click the icon to read the posters for the WISRD Physiology Group this year, as well as posters from past years.
Journal entries imported from the previous iteration of
2019-8-28 Team B:
Tried to figure out why no cameras were “available” when trying to run the pocs_setup command. After running “gphoto2 –auto-detect” it was proven, that both cameras and appeared, but they were still not available when trying to run setup. This causes the program (POCS) to quit. After some research an idea was sprouted that maybe the cameras were being used by different resources, which correlated with the command “gphoto2 –summary” to get both camera’s information not working. After killing unnecessary programs the command worked, but did not solve the “no cameras available” error when running POCS.
2019-8-23 Team B:
After trying to figure out why the camera was shutting off randomly I think we have finally found a solution. After comparing both cameras’ settings it appeared that though the camera’s auto power off was disabled, it also had a second setting ” LCD On or off” that has now been disabled. This seems to fix the issue, and now the camera does not turn off. Next step is to continue with indoor testing.
2019-5-8 Team B:
All tests have been completed. The NUC, fan, Mount, and Camera board are all functioning properly.
2019-4-29 Team B:
Mounted new USB hub to the camera box and are continuing to desolder one of the pins before attempting to remount the barrel jack adapter port.
2019-4-18 Team B:
Checked all cabling/connections and turned on the unit for the first time. We were successful, however the USB hub in the camera box began smoking. Upon investigation, our USB hub uses 5v, not 12v as the instructions state. We will have to order a new USB, since I am pretty sure that the 5v is fried(it literally had smoke coming out of the ports)
March 14, 2019
Printed Standoff test 2, and it fit perfectly. Plan going forward is to print more, and solve the troubleshooting problems being experienced with Ubuntu.
March 11, 2019
3D printed a test standoff for the control box so there is no static build up that could mess with the electronics. The first standoff test did not go as planned, as the standoff printed was a bit to small and the threading didn’t fit quite well, but some adjustments were done. Standoff test 2.
March 7, 2019
Sent out an email to the crew in order to start documenting are steps better. Also did some research on exoplanets to enhance my understanding.
November 8, 2018
The team has been working and thinking about white papers. I have edited some, and was able to incorporate correct formatting that I have learned in my other classes. The next step is to really solidify the white papers in order to not only show that we could build PANOPTES, but also demonstrate our understanding of the concepts that go along with it(like photometry, exoplanets, and space).
September 26, 2018
Today I have worked on the white paper that provides an introduction for our research. The topic is PANOPTES which is a robotic telescope that helps us track/find exoplanets. I am explaining the history of PANOPTES, and how WISRD has been able to help out with this worldwide project.
September 27, 2018
Today there was a need to make precise cuts to aluminum sheets in order to be able to weather proof a component of the PANOPTES structure, as it will be placed outside and needs to withstand the elements. There was a bit of problem solving needed, but in the end we were able to cut the pieces correctly and find a way to fold the sheet in order to get them at the correct angle to cover parts of the telescope.
October 17, 2018
After a bit of correcting some of the issues of placement, we have finished waterproofing water PENOPTES. We will, in the future, be going to CalTech to pick up some circuitry to be able to finalize the entire project.
October 25, 2018
The PANOPTES Wisrd team visted Caltech to speak with an engineer to aid us on composing the circuitry for our unit. Upon speaking with the engineer, we were able to learn a lot of the modifications made to the project to make it more efficient, and remove any defects it could/may have. The components were explained, and knowledge on how each part served useful to the overall function of the unit was obtained. We now will be receiving, and updated parts list, and will be trying out the new instructions that come with it.
November 5, 2018
Today we did the WISRD poster event at Wildwood. The PANOPTES team was able to show off our unit, and be able to explain how it would be used once completed. I additionally worked with the EMOTIV team, and helped them used the EMOTIV headset to demonstrate how it could be applied with their 3D printed hands.
November 8, 2018
The team has been working and thinking about white papers. I have edited some, and was able to incorporate correct formatting that I have learned in my other classes. The next step is to really solidify the white papers in order to not only show that we could build PANOPTES, but also demonstrate our understanding of the concepts that go along with it(like photometry, exoplanets, and space).