Zac M.

Year 1 in WISRD 2023-2024

Year 2 in WISRD 2024-2025

Week of February 3rd-7th: Me and Noam making a lot of progress on the chem project.

Week of January 26th-Februaury 1st: I worked a lot with Noam, figuring out the chemical idea, and made a ton of progress. Reprinted piece. met with Dash for a plan on hydroponics.

Week of 19th-25th: We went to Ace, bringing a section of tube to test valves. We ended up purchasing some parts and are ready to begin building shortly. Also, 3D printing a part that was not purchasable.

Week of January 13th-17th: I just came back from the days as a result of the fires. We are finalizing our plan with hydroponics and preparing to buy things by next week. We made a new diagram for the future build.

First WISRD class of the semester - January 7th: My goal for this semester is to finish all testing and research using the EMG device to move toward writing a paper. Also, finish the hydroponics system.

Week of December 16th-20th: Poster session this week, so mainly collected items for poster and did final edits. I printed it and am ready for the big day. Post-poster session reflection: people were very impressed and interested in my concept, but I did not talk to many people. I was sandwiched between the other two posters, and most people thought I was working with Luc and Bowden.

Week of December 9th-13th: Very busy week. Worked mainly on posters. I also created the lab procedure for the kinesiology lab. Today, we ran the lab with the EMG data, which was a success. The Resistance bands showed similar results to the 25-pound weight. I recorded the graphs and data, and everything is ready for the poster.

Week of December 2nd-6th: We started this week by finishing the tank with the pump sealed down using caulk. We then added the bubbler tube into the tank and sealed off the lid, meaning tank #1 and pump #1 are complete. I did not have another class until Friday because of the schedule and soccer games. We planted cucumber seeds for the poster session and used our timed grow lights. I also set up a patient profile on the new iPad to use the new EMG device. I ran some tests and got some simple data using a 1 KG weight. I am in the process of writing the lab set up for next week to conduct on Monday.

week of Nov 18-22: We started to build the tank system, and we have spraypainted it. We cut off the top and sealed the pump inside and the bubbler. We are in the process of sealing the hole for the plugs and tubes.

Week of Nov 11-15: Ordered stuff for hydroponics and focused on the inquirer article.

Week of Nov 4-8: Started focusing more on my personal kinesiology project found this link for tubing and the spring button system to adjust the handle length. Looked at some hoocho hydroponics videos but a lot of his videos are very experimental ex. Vertical 3d printed HP system. Also his deep water culture system is small and used to propagate roots. which is a good use for it but it can still be a full grow system.

update October 28th: From my last entry till now, Rhone Jake and I have ground out this project. First, we planned it out and researched materials. Then we waited for Megan to order and tested a classic whoosh jar. We then got the chemicals and spent two weeks practicing mixing them chemicals and trying different alcohols and ratios. Finally, we decided to boil the water, alcohol, and metal powder while mixing it. This allowed us to have the most combined liquid to add to the bottle, and then we added more alcohol to revive the solution and add a bit more flare. Here is the final result.

Week of September 9th-12th: Starting research for inquirer pitch. Deciding between Astrochem or life in space relating to kinesiology research. Researched and figured out dark matter day presentation. Colored woosh jar so need chemicals and testing. Now looking at astrochem.

Week of September 3rd- 6th: Started research about astro chemistry. Trying to get a handle on the ideas and process of the subject. Bob told me to research the doppler effect. Looked into it. It is very interesting never thought about cars driving by.

Week of 26th-30th: Did research and realized my idea will work perfectly. It will be a more simple and affordable way of working out without worrying about gravity. My plan is to test the productivity of isometrics and then document the data. Once I have done that I can begin designing the product. Once both of these are done I can begin writing a report summarizing my findings and explaining why they are useful. I am also currently researching astrochemistry.

Week of August 20th- 23rd: New year, and I am looking into other groups and labs. My main idea for kinesiology is isometric training for astronauts. here are links to some of my ideas:

Week of May 20th-May 23rd: Only one class this week. Completed reflection. Had a board meeting and took minutes. The process was fascinating and productive. I am very exited to further share my thoughts and have meetings next year.

Week of May 13th-17th: Final full week of WISRD. Filling out the journal and evaluate data from last week. Wrapping up and starting the WISRD section of the gateway.

Week of May 5th-May 10th: Adjusted the sensitivity of the sensor and performed lab. We got data from three people, and we were very happy with the results. Adjusted electrode placement after the first subject and got better results. Placement is different for different exercises—Noted. Data:

All data declined with every rep


Dumble press bench - 49

Incline dumbbell- 150

Push ups - 5

Dips- 24

Rhône- incline dumbbell 75

Dumbbell bench press-52

Push up's-250

Rhône- incline dumbbell 75

Dumbbell bench press-52

Push up's-250



Dumbbell bench press-275

Incline bench press - 160

Push ups - 300

Dips - 160

Week of April 29th-May 3rd: Short week this week, but attempting to start the lab. We finished the setup and attempted to start lab but realized we needed to turn down sensitivity for bigger muscle groups like the chest.

Week of April 22nd-26th: Finished poster for the upcoming poster session. Started and finished the experimental design and format for new pectoralis major lab. athletes. We will see which exercise produces the most activity for each subject. Looked into electrode placement and researched. Here is the setup we have created:

  1. Preparation:

  2. Pre-writing and lab creation sheet

  3. Overall goals laid out as a group.

  4. Mini-runthrough with Conductors

  5. Subject selection

  6. Final checks of equipment and data collection

  7. Exercise Selection:

  8. Pick exercises like bench press, chest press, dumbbell flyes, push-ups, and cable crossovers.

  9. Data Collection:

  10. Attach EMG sensors.

  11. Subjects perform exercises with high intensity (failure).

  12. Record EMG data and exercise duration.

  13. Data Analysis:

  14. Analyze EMG data to measure muscle activation.

  15. Calculate average activation levels for each exercise.

  16. Graph Results.

  17. Results:

  18. Compare activation levels between exercises.

  19. Identify most effective exercises for each subject.

  20. Conclusion:

  21. Summarize findings and effectiveness of exercises.

  22. Reflect on lab and write what went well and not well.

  23. Update journals

Week of April 15th-19th: Continued trying to use the=is source: Getting Started with the MyoWare® 2.0 Muscle Sensor Ecosystem. Finally, making some progress and found code and build instructions. BREAKTHROUGH! We got the EMG device to work completely and graph data, too. started poster.

Week of April 8th-12th: First week back from spring break and reconnecting with group members. Re-evaluated goals before poster session and realized we need to restart our EMG build and do more in-depth research. Found some good sources. Getting Started with the MyoWare® 2.0 Muscle Sensor Ecosystem

Week of March 18th-22nd: Missed a day but have been editing pitches all week and journaling.

Week of March 11th-15th: Missed a couple of days this week but we are working on an EMG demo for the poster session.

Week of March 4th- 8th: Experiment delayed again (Low turnout)

Week of February 26th-March 1st: Cafiene experiment delayed to next week

Week of February 19th-23rd: This week, we prepped and tested for the caffeine lab

Week of February 11th-16th: Finished drawing of prototype and continued brainstorming ideas for future experiments.

Week of February 6th-9th: On Wednesday, I worked on my pitch reviews in class. I was absent on Thursday, so I planned to begin drawing a prototype of the device. The plan is to begin Friday.

Week of January 29th-February 2nd, I have been testing how things affect athletic ability. We have tested music, and now we are testing caffeine. We plan on conducting the caffeine lab with Max, and we are in the process of using the oximeter to conduct another lab.

Week of January 22nd-26th: Monday was rainy so we only tested the reaction time portion of the experiment. On Wednesday we completed the music lab with mixed results. Jake and I were not too happy with our subject, and the data was a bit underwhelming. On Thursday, Rhône was absent once again, so Jake and I discussed what was next on the agenda, along with looking at yesterday's experiment and Max’s.

Week of January 17th-19th: Short week and was absent one day. Ready to get to work on Monday

Week of January 8th-12th: Last week before the short week. Finalized the music lab and tested out some reaction tests and memory tests.

Week of January 2nd-January 5th: Continued research while discussing ideas. Made some experimental design notes along with future lab plans. Came up with an innovative long-term project.

Week of December 11th-December 15th: Finished the poster and had a great poster session. Got lots of new ideas and started research. Some ideas include the nervous system, stress levels, caffeine, supplements, oxygen/breathing, diet, heart rate, hydration, age, and environments effect on athletics. Next semester looking into soil collection too.

Week of November 27th-December 1st: Working on poster all week in Co-Lab. Getting good work done with Jake and Rhône. Discussed kinesiology posters with Max to best represent information for the lab.

Week of November 13th-17th: Finished the article and started to brainstorm the poster before break starts.

Week of November 6th-10th: I have been working on my Inquirer research and topics all week. I am going to write the article over the weekend. I researched how to have an interesting opening and closing in an article. I think I may try using a thesaurus to make my opening and closing less robotic and more poetic.

Week of October 30th-November 3rd: Post conferences and Dark Matter Day, Rhône, Jake, and I have been reconnecting and sharing future steps. We know the article draft is due, and posters are coming up. We mainly planned some experiments, and I did some research for my turf project.

Week of October 23rd-25th: Dark Matter day coming up this week. I have been prepped since last week, so I have been helping Rhône and Jake. Also, I have been working on the WISRD section of my conference.

Week of October 16th-20th: FINALLY! we figured it out after ordering parts, troubleshooting, and coding. The Arduino and EMG testing hardware is finally working. Jake and I planned some things, but with Rhône out and Dark Matter Day coming up, we have other things to work on.

October 9th-10th: Only a two-day week this week, so mainly worked on research. Came up with new study idea looking at carcinogens in turf fields.

Week of October 2nd-6th: Focused mainly on Arduino this week while adjusting some experimental designs. Continued research on future muscle studies.

Week of September 25th-29th: Started planning some experiments in the library today using the document Max created. Making some progress on the Arduino. Finally, figuring out the connections.

September 23, 2023 Update: Today, we continued to troubleshoot the Arduino. We also tested the radar gun. We can now begin our lab design based on speed.

Update on the EMG testing lab: Today, we did an inventory of our equipment and figured out what we need to conduct testing with a computer. We also wrote down our experimental design, and we are preparing for testing.

Statement of interest, Spring 2023: I have always been interested in science and love to explore the huge umbrella of topics that go along with it. Since elementary school, science and math have always been my favorite subjects, and I have always wanted to dive deeper into specific topics. When I heard about WISRD and the idea of working in a research lab, it immediately sparked ideas and wonderings about projects. Some of my favorite topics include chemistry, biology, physics, and astronomy. I love watching videos, reading articles, and talking to teachers to learn more about science and math in general. Since taking physics this year, I have opened up a new interest in astrophysics and overall how science works outside of earth. On earth, I am still curious about biology, and I have some ideas for projects that I could explore in WISRD. By far, my favorite subject is chemistry because of how it connects to other branches of science and math. The idea that I can combine my interests and look into things like biochemistry and astrochemistry is extremely exciting. These interests I have could help the radio astronomy group with its ongoing project, and I would be happy to collaborate with them. I know I want to explore a project on one of the topics I’ve mentioned, and I have already begun brainstorming. Given infinite funds, I would launch vessels into space and study planets along with their molecules. This lab could also double as an observatory, general chemistry, and physics lab. This would combine my primary scientific interests into an excellent rooftop lab. If this existed, I would spend most of my time exploring science in the lab.

Zac's Researcher Profile